Supporting America’s Sea Services

Sarasota-Manatee Council

Scholarships to Graduating Seniors
Sarasota Manatee Council of the NLUS will award two scholarships worth $2,500 to outstanding seniors currently enrolled in our sponsored NJROTC (including Charlotte County Units), MCJROTC, CGJROTC, Sea Cadets, and Young Marines Units as well as children and grandchildren of a Sea Service member or of any of our Adopted USCG Units.
Recipients are selected on the basis of academic record, leadership achievement, character, and recommendations. In general, students awarded scholarships must be intelligent, academically motivated, and community - minded young men and women who have demonstrated an appreciation of the laws, traditions, and values of the United States.
To be eligible for the scholarships, applicants must be a:
• Cadet currently enrolled in the MCJROTC Unit at Venice High School or
• Cadet currently enrolled in the NJROTC Unit at North Port/Charlotte/Port Charlotte or Lemon Bay High School
• Cadet currently enrolled in the CGJROTC Unit at Pinellas High School or
• Cadet currently enrolled in Maritime Eagles Sea Cadets or
• Cadet currently enrolled in the Imagine School Young Marines or
• Child of a crew member of any USCG adopted units
• Children or grandchildren residing in Sarasota or Manatee County of a Verifiable member of a Sea Service (Navy, USCG or Merchant Marine).
• Applicants must be entering their freshman year (first year) of an accredited college in the fall, intending to major in Science, Technology, Engineering or Math OR will be attending Manatee Technical College or Suncoast Technical College.
Applicants must have at least a 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 grade scale (weighted, equivalent to a B average in High School).
Applicants must complete and submit the following:
APPLICATION FORM. (Blank Attached) A Navy League Scholarship Application form — be sure to sign it! Although typing is preferred, it may be neatly printed.
PERSONAL STATEMENT. A typed statement of your personal goals and academic/career objectives in 500 words or less, including some narrative about community service. If not enrolled in one of the above Youth Groups, state which relative allows you to be considered.
TRANSCRIPT. A high school transcript completed through Fall Semester of the current school year.
RECOMMENDATIONS. Two (2) letters of recommendation from a non - family member such as a teacher, coach, employer, youth leader or pastor. It is preferred that one of these recommendations be from a STEM teacher in the general field of the applicant’s intended major. Recommendations should attest to the character of the applicant.
Some students and their families experience situations that challenge or limit a student’s opportunity for future success. Please feel free to include a description of any extenuating circumstances in your life that you would like our review panel to keep in mind when considering your application. You may include up to, but no more than one, additional page describing the details of your situation.
All application information and supporting material MUST be sent to the Sarasota Manatee Council NLUS in a single package. Partial, incomplete, or late applications will not be accepted for any reason. Applications should be sent as follows:
Sarasota Manatee Council NLUS
Attn: Scholarships
PO Box 5531
Sarasota, FL 34277-5831
Electronic – email submissions are encouraged. Address the email to: nlsarasota@gmail.com. Please assure that all the pages that require a signature are scanned so that the signature is provided. When it is received, we will acknowledge the receipt by replying to your email.
The deadline for submission is 1 March, 2025.
Questions should be referred to Steve Bartek or Dick Petrucci.
SteveBarteknavy@gmail.com or stevebartek@juno.com 941-716-3597 (cell) or 941 484-5225 (home)
Tucci61@verizon.net 941-727-0578
Scholarship to National Flight Academy-Deployments Program
National Flight Academy Scholarship Application
The Sarasota-Manatee Council, Navy League of the United States, awards two scholarships per year to the National Flight Academy. One scholarship is named in memory of “CAPT Slim Russell” and the second scholarship is named in honor of John Osterweil who is a staunch supporter of our Council.
The Academy’s 6-day Aviation-themed Deployment program is offered during the summer seasons for students in 7th to 12th grade. The session that we have committed to this year runs from 12PM on June 23rd to 1PM on June 28th 2024. Tuition for the program is paid by the council, but recipients are responsible for providing their own transportation to/from the National Flight Academy located aboard NAS Pensacola, FL. Additional information about the Academy and the deployment program can be found on the National Flight Academy website:
http://www.nationalflightacademy.com. To be eligible for this scholarship, you must be a member in good standing of one of the youth groups sponsored by this council: North Port High School NJROTC, Venice High School MCJROTC, Pinellas Park High School CGJROTC, Venice Middle School Young Marines, Epiphany Cathedral School Young Marines North Port Imagine School Young Marines and Maritime Eagles Sea Cadets. Interested students should submit applications with an essay via their appropriate unit Commanding Officer and/or Senior Advisor. Points of contact for this Navy League scholarship program are: Steve Bartek, Phone 941-484-5225 Email: stevebartek@juno.com or Richard Petrucci, Phone 941-727-0578 Email: tucci61@verizon.net.
Application requirements:
1. Write an essay of 500 words or less telling us why you want to go to the National Flight Academy and why you should be selected for this scholarship. Include your goals.
2. Resume include:
a. Academic Accomplishments such as GPA, class standing, STEM courses, Honors Classes, etc
b. Leadership Development such as leadership training, promotions within the unit, etc.
c. Athletic Extra-Curricular Activities
d. Non-Athletic Extra-Curricular Activities
e. Community Service
f. Notable Awards Received
3. Submit your application to the Sarasota-Manatee Council via your unit chain of command; application must have a recommendation from unit Commanding Officer and/or Senior Advisor.
Sarasota Manatee Council NLUS
ATTN: NFA Applications 2019
PO Box 5531
Sarasota FL 34277-5531
If you wish to submit the application by email you may do so. Address the email to: nlsarasota@gmail.com The email must have all the required elements detailed above. We will acknowledge receipt of your submission by replying to your email.
Deadline date for submission VIA your Commanding Officer to the Navy League is 15 March.
Include the following information with your essay:
Name___________________________________________ Age ________
Grade__________ School________________________________________
Mailing Address_______________________________________________
Email Address ________________________________________________
Phone Number_________________________________________________
Qualifying Youth Organization____________________________________
(Sarasota-Manatee Council sponsored NJROTC, MCJROTC, CGJROTC, Young Marines, or Sea Cadets)