Supporting America’s Sea Services
Sarasota-Manatee Council
Sarasota-Manatee Council was chartered by the Navy League of the United States on January 27, 1956. The Council currently has approximately 110 members mainly located in Sarasota and Manatee Counties.
Our Key Activities include:
Monthly meetings usually on the fourth Wednesday of each month to keep ourselves well informed regarding Sea Service issues by hearing from knowledgeable speakers.
Support of a Marine Corps JROTC Unit at Venice High School, a Coast Guard JROTC Unit at Pinellas Park HS and Navy JROTC Units at North Port, Charlotte, Port Charlotte and Lemon Bay High Schools.
Provide support to our adopted units: Coast Guard Station Cortez and Coast Guard Cutter Resolute.
Provide Support to two Young Marines Units: Venice Middle School Young Marines and Imagine School North Port Young Marines.
Awards scholarships to members of our Sea Service Youth Groups.
Participate in the Sarasota Memorial Day and Veteran's Day Parades, The USCGC Blackthorn Memorial each January and Maritime Day each May at Port Manatee.
Support the Maritime Eagles Sea Cadet Unit at Manatee School of the Arts
Conduct fundraising activities to support Council Programs.
For specific information on our yearly activities click here
SMC is Preparing to Order More SMC Challenge Coins
The SMC is now preparing to place an order for more SMC Challenge coins. The minimum order will be 5 coins for $25 plus a credit card transaction fee $1.50. Additional coins can be ordered in 5 coin increments at that same price. Please fill out the form below on how many coins you will need. Once we have a final tally we will activate a web site order form to complete your order.